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A Hunger for Darkness Page 3
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Page 3
Kenzi let that go without answering; instead she asked a question of her own.
“What do you want from me? Why are you following me and what do you care what I do?” She led Connor from the bedroom to the living room and turned to face him.
“I told you, I need your help.” Connor stood only a few feet away. Despite herself, Kenzi took in his size and the force of his presence. Everything in the room seemed to point at him, to relate to him in a way that unsettled her. It was as though he became the focal point of the room in a subtle way that felt like black magic.
“Why would I help you? Why shouldn’t I hate you?” This time Kenzi’s voice was soft. This was no woman made hysterical by becoming what she had hunted for so long. This was a serious question.
“I want to kill Gabriel Sands as badly as you do.” Gabriel said while watching her reaction closely.
“Is this some vampire power-struggle?” Kenzi asked without emotion.
“You might say so; I want to make vampires extinct. Gabriel, on the other hand, wants to rule humanity. I guess it is a power struggle. I warn you, I have very few allies. I had hoped that through you I might be able to make a connection with your Center. After seeing how they treated you, I realized that would never happen.”
Kenzi turned away and tightened the towel around her. There was a small part of her that felt a little ridiculous having this conversation wearing nothing but a scrap of terry cloth, but it couldn’t be helped.
“Vampires lie; why would I believe you want to destroy your own kind?” she asked.
Connor stepped forward and took her shoulders in his hands, forcing her to look at him. His eyes blazed with a green fire she hadn’t seen until that moment.
“I was once like you. I was a policeman until I was taken against my will. I never wanted this; I was a victim of a monster too. But I was saved by woman who taught me that we didn’t have to surrender to the animal hunger that is always a part of us.
“Yes, Kenzi, we are monsters. We are not tragic and romantic loners. We are bloodthirsty animals that prey on the living. We cannot live on stored blood, or animal blood. I learned that we can hold on to our conscience, that we can serve a higher purpose. I won’t lie, it is a bitter struggle, but we can do it. I know that vampires are parasites on humanity, and we must cease to exist. I have also learned that there is no more effective hunter of vampires than another vampire.”
Kenzi had listened without expression. She noted the passion in his voice, and she knew he believed what he said.
“You still have to kill humans to live. How does that make you any better than Gabriel?”
Connor smiled, and she saw for a moment the terrible joy of the predator. “We don’t have to kill to feed.”
“That’s a lie, I’ve never heard of a vampire that let his victims live, unless it is to turn them,” Kenzi said without hope.
“I feed from the criminals, and those who serve other vampires. I only kill when I must.” The sincerity in his voice made Kenzi pause.
“Go on,” Kenzi prompted. “How do you control your hunger?”
Connor gestured to the windows. “It’s almost dawn; we both need to get somewhere safe. I’ll take you to my home and we can discuss your new life and you can decide if you want to help me.”
Kenzi searched the bedroom and found a pair of jeans she could make work with a belt and by rolling up the legs and a plain white T-shirt. On bare feet she followed Connor to catch a cab and rode in silence into lower Manhattan.
Chapter Five
“You’re feeling more hunger, we’ll have to address that tomorrow.” Connor said in his soft brogue as they entered his flat.
Kenzi studied the room around here with the care of an animal fearing a trap. It was a large, open space with twelve-foot ceilings and a few arched partitions. On one end was the bedroom, sitting in its own alcove, with another space blocked off next to it, with a frosted-glass door that Kenzi guessed was the bathroom. On the other end was a kitchen area with a small rustic table. Here in the middle were a leather couch and few chairs on an area rug. It was at once minimalist and classic. Heavy dark curtains covered the long wall facing the door.
Kenzi turned to face Connor. “Address it? How are we going to address my hunger?” Her bitter tone answered her own question.
“I’m not going to pretend this is anything other than what it is. We’re monsters, and now you’re one of us. We need warm, living blood to survive. It will take a great deal of training and discipline before you’re able to take blood without killing a human.” Connor had stepped closer and was now only a few feet from her.
Kenzi refused to step back or look away from the green eyes blazing into hers. “You’ve got the wrong girl. I can’t do this; you should have left me to die in Center.” She spat the words and started to turn.
Connor grabbed the back of her neck more quickly than she could react and pulled her close. She gripped his wrist to break the hold but stopped as his faced neared hers. She felt very small as he loomed over her.
“You’re alive; you can still do some good in this world. I saved you because I need your help. I know you’re not afraid of killing, you’re proven that too many times. Your war hasn’t changed, just your weapons.”
He released her. Kenzi caught herself before she slumped. “I will kill any vampire without a second thought, but I am not going to suck blood like one of them. I’m still human!”
“You’re no human, Kenzi. The sooner you embrace that, the better chance you’ll survive. You’ve killed many human servants of the vampires. You’ll just be making better use of them now. Waste not, want not!” Connor said with a dry laugh.
Kenzi collapsed to the couch, no longer able to resist the fatigue of the past days’ events.
Connor turned and headed to the large bed through the arched opening. A tumble of dark sheets spilled off one edge. He began to strip as though he was alone. Kenzi watched, more surprised by his nonchalance than his increasing nudity.
“Sleep now,” he ordered. “The sun is coming up. We’ll take this up again at nightfall. This will make more sense after you rest.” He had removed his shirt and pants, displaying lean muscles and skin crisscrossed by fine lines. He left his boxers on as he pulled the sheets aside and slipped into the bed. He looked for all the world like some kind of animal curling up in his den.
“I suppose I sleep on the couch?” Kenzi asked, still bemused by how the conversation ended.
“Works for me.” Connor answered and turned away.
Kenzi leaned back into the soft pillows. Her body began to relax, almost against her will. Thoughts of the past few days began to race through her mind. She saw herself restrained in the hospital bed at Center. Mrs. Whitechapel’s face leaning over hers, concern replaced with clinical interest. She saw herself writhing in almost painful pleasure with David.
Thoughts of David brought her back to that strange mix of arousal and hunger she had felt in his bed. Once again she saw the artery in his neck pulsing, and felt that over-powering urge to tear into him, to feel his hot, coursing blood flow into her mouth.
Kenzi began to dream in the twilight of sleep. She slid up David’s body, feeling him arch his body under hers, desperate to feel their bodies join. Her body felt as though it might explode with a pressure that was building within her. David’s eyes looked into hers, his eyes half-open and clouded with lust. He threw his head back as she rocked her hips against him, teasing him with the closeness of his goal. She felt his hard length press against her heat.
David’s pulse pounded on the side of his neck. In her mind a white-hot glow began to expand and she felt her self-control fall away as a frenzy of lust and hunger washed over her. Without any conscious decision she bent forward and captured David’s wrists and plunged her mouth to his neck. Newly-sharpened teeth began to tear as David bucked wildly underneath her, his screams inarticulate. As his hot blood exploded into her sucking mouth, a fresh wave of rapture began to build….<
br />
Kenzi shot upright on the couch, panting and flush. Her hand trembled as she pulled her hair out of her face.
This is what I am, she thought. A wave of revulsion swept through her, washing away any remaining thoughts of pleasure. Nausea settled in the pit of her stomach. If this is what feeding would be like, she would never be able to do it. She stared at the curtains and realized what must lay behind them. Surely there was a window or even a balcony. A vampire would want the sunlight kept out.
Kenzi slipped the t-shirt over her head, this time grateful for her lack of underwear. She listened for any sound from Connor. There was none, not even the sound of breathing. Vampires were often mistaken for dead when sleeping during the day.
Kenzi unbuttoned her jeans and wiggled them over her hips and down her long legs. She stood and crossed to the curtains. She looked to Connor and thought briefly of killing him. He was entirely vulnerable now, while she had just enough of her humanity left to be capable of exertion during the day. The thought left her just as quickly. He had tried to save her; she would honor that.
Pulling the curtain to the side exposed a sliding door onto the balcony she had hoped for. The sun had risen and bathed the barren platform in a golden light. Her naked skin tingled in the light that passed through the glass. The realization that her transformation had come so far steadied her as she opened the door and stepped through.
The pleasant tingling she had felt inside now became more painful. In a moment she felt full effect like a blast furnace on her bare flesh; she forced herself not to turn from it. Instead, she opened her arms and leaned into the sun’s embrace, willing the pain to take her away from her fate. A gasp escaped her as she felt her body begin to shake.
“Kenzi, you idiot!” She recognized Connor’s voice even as he roared at her. Strong arms gripped her around her waist and pulled her back into the cool darkness. She struggled against his grasp even as her body welcomed the relief. Connor spun her through the doorway and shielded her body with his own. His final push sent her reeling across the room.
“Leave me,” she cried as tears began to spill down her cheeks. “I don’t want this!”
Connor had shut the door and the curtains and turned to face her. He stood without speaking and slowly sank to his knees. Kenzi’s eyes had to adjust to the gloom before she could see him clearly. His torso and legs were now almost black, and bright red seams opened in his skin even as she watched. The smell of burning flesh nearly made her gag.
In two steps she was next to him as he pitched forward. Now she could see his back, also blackened. As she caught him she felt his skin crack like dry parchment. He moaned.
“Can’t let you die,” he croaked. “You have too much left to do.”
Kenzi gently lowered him to the floor. “There’s nothing more for me, why couldn’t you let me go?” She spoke softly, almost gently.
“There’s a lot more I need to tell you. Please wait and hear me out.” Connor’s eyes were tightly closed, and his jaws clenched in obvious pain.
“What can I do for you?” Even as she said the words, Kenzi marveled at the difference a few days had made. Before she would have cheered this creature’s death, now she sought to help his pain.
She also became aware of two other facts. One, she was in pain. It wasn’t terrible, more like a severe sunburn. The second fact was her nakedness.
She stood and started back to her T-shirt and jeans. The moment her hand touched them, she knew the fabric would torture her skin.
“I have a silk shirt hanging by the bed.” Connor was said, equal parts pain and amusement in his voice.
Kenzi padded to the clothes rack that had been hidden from her view earlier. She found the white silk shirt and slipped it on. The silk felt cool and soft against her burned skin. She returned to Connor and knelt beside him.
“What can I get for you?”
“Nothing, this is going to take time to heal. Give me a minute and help me to my bed.” He closed his eyes again.
“Why didn’t the sun burn me as badly?”
“You have not completely transformed yet. The virus takes a while to work its magic.”
“How long?”
“It is different for everyone, but probably a few more days for you. Even then, it will be years before the process is truly complete and you have all the powers of a mature vampire.”
“Is there any way to reverse it? Can’t I stop it somehow?” Kenzi felt an unfamiliar hope rise.
“Not that I have ever heard of. If there was, it would be your people that knew of it.” Connor grimaced as he began to move. “Help me to my bed.”
Kenzi tried to support him gently as he rose, but she could still feel his scorched skin crackle against her hand. Connor stifled a moan and they shuffled to his bed. Kenzi noted the satin sheets as she pulled them back to let him lay across the giant mattress.
Connor sighed in relief as he sank down onto the soft surface.
“I shouldn’t have heard you go out on the balcony. We sleep very deeply during the day; it’s when we are at our most vulnerable. Some sense just warned me.”
“Lucky me,” Kenzi said with quiet sarcasm as she sat next to him.
Connor reached out and grabbed her arm. “In time you will see how lucky you are. Just give me time to explain.”
Kenzi gently pulled his hand away. “Is there anything I can get you? Would some kind of lotion help?”
Connor chuckled. “You think vampires keep skin lotion around? You think that’s part of our beauty regimen?”
Connor faded into silence and appeared unconscious, though due to his natural daytime slumber or as a result of his burns she didn’t know. He had the unnatural stillness of a sleeping vampire, and she could see how the people of a simpler time had been deceived into believing these monsters were dead.
Kenzi sat next to him, battling the growing lethargy she felt and wondered why she didn’t kill him. He was this thing she had sworn to hate and destroy, regardless of his tales of killing other vampires. And yet….
Sitting cautiously on the bed, Kenzi studied this creature before her. Even through the sun-blasted skin, she could see the muscles in his arms and chest, and the flat stomach that tapered to this waist. He had the build of an athlete from a sport like swimming or running, as though built for speed.
Kenzi turned her attention to his legs. Like the rest of his body, his legs were heavily muscled though still long and lean. Her gaze finally settled on the boxers he still wore. Staring at the only portion of Connor’s form still covered, she blushed.
The reaction both surprised and amused her. She had never been shy; in the aftermath of combat she had sought out physical comfort openly and without coyness. Kenzi had also always been honest with herself. She knew this creature lying helpless before her was a vampire. She also knew his body was pleasing to the eye.
Chapter Six
It was a low moan that awakened Kenzi. She was disoriented for a moment before she turned to the figure next to her. In the dim light she recognized Connor, stretched out next to her in his bed, her leg now over his. Sleep had come so quickly she didn’t remember lying down next to him.
“I’m grateful for the company, but could you move your leg?” Connor said with a rasping laugh.
“Oh God! I’m so sorry,” Kenzi gingerly moved off Connor’s damaged skin. “How do you feel?”
“Better,” Connor answered. “It’s just going to take a little time.”
“I thought you’d heal faster,” Kenzi said.
“I should have, but the sun gets more dangerous to us as we age, and I haven’t fed in a while.”
“How long is a while?” Kenzi asked.
“A couple of weeks, I guess.” Connor shifted and winced at the effort.
Kenzi sat up and gasped as the room seemed to spin for a moment.
“Are you feeling weak, maybe a little disoriented?” Connor asked, his gaze searching her face.
“A little, yeah,” she answe
“We have an interesting problem here,” Connor said as he closed his eyes again.
Kenzi was suddenly aware again of his lack of clothes, and a moment later of her own. A flush slid slowly across her body. It was a sensation she’d never felt before, like a teasingly slow arousal.
“What’s the problem?” She asked as she gingerly rose to her feet.
“I need to feed in order to heal quickly, and you are feeling the first effects of your own hunger. I am too weak to get out myself, and you’re too inexperienced to hunt.”