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A Hunger for Darkness Page 2
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Page 2
Her thrashing caught the tech’s attention. Looking up at her with a frown, he realized his danger too late. The vampire had silently crossed the room. His expression didn’t change from his friendly smile as he shoved the tech across the room. He bounced from a wall with a sickening wet thud and collapsed.
“Hello, Kenzi,” the vampire said with a faint brogue that sounded Irish, “would you like to go?”
“Who are you? Why are you here?” Kenzi gasped as she struggled against her restraints.
“I’m Connor Devlin, and I’m here to get you out.” The vampire stood next to her now, and looked down with a smile.
“Stay away from me!” She almost sobbed at her helplessness.
“Relax,” he smiled, “I’ve come to give you a choice. You can stay and remain a guinea pig and be put down when they’re done, or you can come with me.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you!” Kenzi spat.
“It’s your choice,” he said reasonably, “but you have no other choices here. Why not come with me? You can hear what I offer, if you don’t like it, you can die then, or return here.”
As he spoke he was unfastening the buckles on the wrist and ankle cuffs that had bound her to the bed. Kenzi sat up quickly, careless of the thin gown she wore. She studied the figure before her. He was tall and broad-chested, though he had a narrow waist. He could have been twenty-five or thirty-five with dark curly hair and unreasonably green eyes. He smiled again and by the length of his fangs she guessed him to be not much over one hundred.
He offered a hand, “Let’s go.”
Kenzi studied him for a moment. She wasn’t ready to die and she had always been trained to exploit opportunities. Perhaps all of this was a mistake. Maybe she could gain valuable intel about more vampires. These thoughts flickered half-formed through her mind. She ignored the hand he offered and stood.
Following him out the door, she stepped over the two guards now sprawled across the floor. She was surprised to note they still breathed. A red light flashed in the corridor. Center did not employ sirens, every guard and operative inside would have already received a text informing them of the security breach. Pulling the brace off her forearm, Kenzi flexed the muscles and felt only a faint ache as she followed the vampire.
Connor stepped aside and gestured for her to lead the way. Kenzi stood for a moment, studying the vampire and thinking. Behind her lay a certain fate, and until then, captivity strapped to a bed. In front of her was nothing but the unknown. The vampire had killed no one in Center as far as she could tell, and his words still ran through her mind. She could always return. She turned and lead them through an unmarked emergency exit and up through several flights of stairs into the cool night air of Manhattan. The evacuation had taken less than three minutes.
They walked without obvious haste away from Center. Kenzi risked one glance back to see if they were followed. She realized she didn’t know what she would do if they were. Would she cry for help? Or would she flee from her own certain death? There was no pursuit.
The vampire quickly removed his own jacket and threw it across her shoulders. She knew the night air was cool, but somehow it didn’t bother her despite her own thin gown. He pulled her into an alley and guided her back into the shadows.
“You made a wise choice,” he said.
“I don’t understand; how did you know where I was? Why did you want to bring me out? Is this some kind of vampire loyalty thing? Because I just became one and I’m not interested!” Kenzi had slipped into a defensive combat posture without conscious effort.
The vampire responded coolly, “I did it because I have a plan for you, and an offer.”
Kenzi felt rage beginning to crowd aside her desire to learn from this thing before her. “What do you mean you have a plan for me?”
“I think we may be able to help each other, we both want the same thing.” Connor stood casually, as though enjoying a chat between friends.
“Want the same thing? How is that possible? I want to destroy every living vampire!” The words came with every ounce of venom Kenzi felt.
“Exactly,” Connor said.
Kenzi stood in silent shock.
“I thought that might surprise you. Are you willing to hear more?” Connor asked.
“I don’t know what to think. I’ve never heard of a self-loathing vampire before.” Kenzi’s eyes narrowed as she studied him. “I need a little time to process everything that’s happened to me.”
“Fine,” He said, his hands open, “if you want to go, then go. You have maybe two more days before the changes will make you unable to function like a normal human. Enjoy them, then you can kill yourself if you’d like. If you change your mind just call my name. I’ll come to you and you can hear my proposal.”
“I won’t become a monster like you,” Kenzi said quietly as tears began to well in her eyes.
As she turned to go Devlin grabbed her arm and whispered harshly into her ear, “You have no idea what kind of monster I am, maybe you should learn before you make any final decisions.” In his anger, the Irish brogue became more pronounced, but still time-faded.
With that he let her free and Kenzi raced out of the alley and into the neon lights of Manhattan at night.
Chapter Three
Kenzi collapsed into the arms of David Hearn. The twenty blocks she had run had left her only slightly winded. This was the only place she could think of where Center wouldn’t look for her. Their brief fling had ended a few weeks earlier; Director Whitechapel did not approve of serious relationships, and absolutely forbade them between the personnel of Center. David had been a substitute for what she couldn’t get there.
“Kenzi, what happened to you?” Concern etched David’s face. She had always found him almost unbearably cute, and in his jeans and white dress shirt she remembered why. Despite the pressure of a junior Wall Street analyst’s job, he remained somehow boyish, and the grey eyes behind the stylish glasses were clear and bright. He had been a welcome refuge from the deadly business that occupied her at Center.
“I’m sorry to drop in like this David,” Kenzi began. She hadn’t even considered a cover story, she had run on instinct. “I was in a traffic accident yesterday. I only got out of the hospital an hour ago.” It was the best she could think of to explain her hospital gown.
David held her at arm’s length and carefully looked at her. “You don’t have a mark on you, and where are your clothes? And how did you get here?”
“The accident was so bad they couldn’t believe I wasn’t hurt and they cut my clothes off in the emergency room. I left without thinking; I was just frantic to get out. Believe it or not a Manhattan cab driver took pity on me, even giving me his coat.” Kenzi moved back in to embrace David, anxious to stop the questions.
David still seemed skeptical. “Not that I’m complaining, but why didn’t you go home? I haven’t seen you in months. You haven’t returned my calls, and I went by where you said you lived and no one had heard of you.”
“David, I can explain…”
“Don’t. I know what’s going on; I’m not an idiot.” David spoke softly, still holding Kenzi. “You’re married, aren’t you?”
Kenzi looked away as she tried to think of a response. The events of the last few days had left her too exhausted to play these games.
“Don’t worry, Kenzi. You’re secret is safe with me. Whatever the reason you don’t want to go home to him is none of my business. If you want to talk, I’m here.” He stroked her hair as he spoke and she was momentarily moved by the simple kindness in his touch.
“Thank you, David.” She hugged him tightly.
“Hey, that’s some grip!” David said lightly. “Why don’t you get a shower, you smell like a hospital. Do you remember where everything is?”
Kenzi did, and padded her way down the hall and into the bath. She stripped the flimsy gown and threw it into the trash. Stepping into the hot stream from the showerhead she took a moment to gather herself.
The knot in her belly receded as she tried to clear her mind. Whatever the morning might bring, she was safe and warm now. She let the water roll over her and saw that David still had a rose-scented bath soap he had bought for her rare over-night stays.
Losing herself in the lather and scent, she let her hands linger as she washed herself. Her skin was sensitive to every touch as though she was under the influence of some kind of drug. Pausing between her legs, she found a slick heat unrelated to the shower. Her nipples were hard as well.
How can I be getting turned on at a time like this? The thought brought her back to an unwelcome reality. She finished and exited the shower, not entirely rid of the strange euphoria. She wrapped herself in one of David’s towels and stepped into the hall.
David was waiting. “How are you feeling now? Do you want something to eat? How about a drink?”
Her stomach growled, reminding her of how long it had been since she had a meal. “Maybe some soup?” She said tentatively, not knowing what she would be able to eat.
David didn’t ask any more questions. He prepared some canned soup and offered her one of his robes. She dropped the towel, and slipped on the robe, unconcerned at her nakedness in front of her former lover.
She ate while David told her of the recent developments in his career and related harmless gossip about his family and friends. He sputtered into an awkward silence as she finished the last spoonful.
“I imagine you’re pretty tired,” he finally said. “Why don’t you take the bed and I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
Kenzi smiled and reached across the table for his hand. “I was hoping we could share the bed.”
They walked hand in hand to the bedroom and Kenzi realized what she enjoyed about David. He made her feel like she was in high school; that nervous excitement about exploring someone else’s body for the first time. High school, and all of its new experiences were foreign to Kenzi, she had only known the life built around Center. The lessons there were far more serious than anything the rest of the world could know.
Kenzi leaned into David’s hesitant kiss. As their tongues met and caressed each other she felt him relaxing. He slipped a hand into the robe and cupped a breast. She moaned as he teased the hardened nipple. Her previous excitement returned and increased until she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. David had never had this effect on her before. Kenzi reached for David’s crotch and felt a gratifying stiffness as she began to fumble with the button on the jeans.
David stopped her hands gently. “Are you sure about this? You’ve been through a lot.” Lust and concern struggled on his face.
Kenzi laughed softly. “You have no idea, just shut up and fuck me.”
David pushed her onto her back and untied the belt on the robe. He pulled it open and gazed at her body in the dim light from the doorway.
“I almost forgot how beautiful you are.”
Kenzi unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his shoulders as he began to kiss down her neck. David rolled a nipple between thumb and forefinger, pinching it just as his lips reached the other. He flicked one hardened bud with his tongue while his fingers clamped hard on the other. Kenzi arched her back, eager for the sensation even as she wondered why it had never felt this good before.
She finally succeeded in opening his pants and freeing his length, now hard and full. Kenzi stroked him gently, enjoying the groan this pulled from him. He sat up and removed the rest of his clothes and settled back alongside her. They melted together as he pulled her to him for a long kiss, one hand stroking down her body. He was tender, as he had always been. This touch had been a welcome refuge for Kenzi from the daily tension of her life’s work.
David moved over her and she parted her legs willingly for him, though she knew he wouldn’t enter her yet. He let his lips and tongue dance across her skin as he worked his way down her body. He paused to suck each nipple before he kissed down her stomach. Kenzi sighed deeply, a liquid heat building at the top of her thighs. Gripping his shoulders, she raised her hips to his teasing mouth.
He looked up at her, that boyish grin flashing as he lowered his mouth to her sex. The first touch of his tongue caused her to cry out. He kept his touch light; the tip of his tongue trailing up and down her silken folds before delving in to lightly stroke the center of her desire. Kenzi fought to stay still and not disturb the electricity pulsing outward to every part of her. David’s mouth grew more insistent, sucking her hardened nub between his lips. He slipped a finger into her and found that spot that sent her into spasms of pleasure.
Kenzi felt herself growing flushed. The heat that spread through her was taking an unfamiliar turn. Her lust was rising, but with it came a wild urge. She wanted to thrash herself against him somehow, to join with him in some primal, violent way. His mouth and fingers were bringing her more pleasure than anything she had ever felt, more than she thought she could stand.
“David, you have to stop,” she moaned.
He continued, slipping another finger along the crack of her ass and she knew she had to stop him. The pleasure was becoming almost painful. She pulled him up and flipped him onto his back. Kenzi sought a moment’s refuge by pleasuring him. He seemed startled by her unexpected strength, but eager to allow her the access she wanted.
She grabbed his rigid length and began to stroke it softly as her lips gently kissed the tip. David threw his head back as she lowered her mouth on him. That’s when she saw it. In the lust-clouded corners of her mind she noticed the pulse throbbing in his throat. She stopped, watching that pulse; knowing what it meant.
More than her own orgasm she craved the hot warmth that pulse promised. David stirred under her.
“Don’t make me beg, babe. Keep going.” His voice was husky with need.
His voice shook her free. With a sob she stood over him, he was still naked and defenseless. She could take what she craved.
With a cry, Kenzi threw herself into the hall and rushed to the bathroom. She made it to the toilet before she vomited. Deep sobs broke from her. She had become the monster she hated. Her repulsion of her own urges couldn’t completely drown the longing for David’s blood that still made her tremble.
When her nausea passed, she washed her face and caught sight of her reflection. Her hazel eyes had changed, they gleamed with an amber glow that made her think of some kind of demon.
“Okay,” she muttered to herself, “where is Connor and what do I do now?”
Chapter Four
A light tapping on the door startled Kenzi. She dreaded having to face David again, both from the difficulty of explaining and the fear of what she might do. The overwhelming hunger was fading, but she didn’t know how she might react if she saw that artery softly throbbing in his neck.
“I’m sorry David, can you give me a few more minutes?” She called through the door.
There was no answer from the other side. After a minute there came another soft tapping. Kenzi muttered a curse and threw the door open. Connor Devlin stood in the hall, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Kenzi grabbed a towel to cover herself.
“What the hell?” she whispered. “Is it true? Do vampires really have some kind of telepathic link?” The old legend she’d heard whispered in training came back to her.
Connor grinned with an insolence Kenzi was beginning to suspect was ever-present. “No, just great hearing. I followed you and I was listening from the fire escape. I needed to keep an eye on you, this transition can be ...difficult.”
Kenzi felt her face flush with anger and a tiny shred of embarrassment. “You mean you were listening to me…? What, is this some kind vampire pervert thing? Does it get you off to listen to mortals fuck?”
“One, you’re not a mortal any longer. And two; I do not get any thrill from listening to you have sex, or almost have sex. I was actually here to help you when you needed it and protect your friend from you.”
His words threw a cold dose of fear into her stomach. “David! What did you do to him?
” Kenzi tried to push past Connor and found him as unyielding as granite. She became aware of the towel slipping and hastily made an adjustment. Connor watched her, his expression amused.
“Your friend is fine. He won’t remember anything after you fled. He’ll assume he passed out from his drinking.” Connor said as he let her pass.
“He wasn’t drinking,” Kenzi said as she verified that David was still breathing. His body was sprawled across bed and Kenzi felt a mix of relief and disgust at herself for having craved his blood so intensely. She smelled a strong scent of whisky.
“I set the stage for him. What will make more sense to him, that he drank too much without realizing it, or that his girlfriend is now a vampire and he was rescued by another vampire?”